Dental General Dentistry

5 Top Advantages Of Routine Teeth Clean-Up

Routine Dental Cleaning Benefits

Are you still wondering why your dentist has suggested you undergo routine teeth clean-up and what are routine dental cleaning benefits?

Well! It is high time you must face the fact that brushing alone cannot help you get a flawless smile. Yes, you heard it right, that while daily oral care is crucial it is not optimal for maintaining optimal dental health. Routine teeth cleaning which is done typically once every year is essential as it can help in keeping your teeth and gums healthy. 

While smiling is contagious it is essential to ensure good dental health. Neglecting dental health may cause bad breath, dental cavities, or some other health issues.

In this blog, we will explore the benefits of routine dental cleaning. But before understanding the benefits of routine teeth clean-up let us understand what routine teeth clean-up is.

What Is Routine Dental Cleaning?

Routine dental cleaning is a dental procedure that is performed once a year or in six months. During the dental cleaning, your dentist removes tartar, stains, or any plaque that has build-up on the teeth. Sometimes despite brushing and flossing regularly these build-ups happen which can thereby increase your risk of developing dental cavities or gum diseases. 

Now that you understand what happens during a routine dental cleaning let us now understand what happens during a routine dental cleaning.

What Happens During Routine Dental Cleaning?

During a routine dental cleaning, your dentist/ hygienist uses a scaler to clean your teeth. Generally, they remove hard tartar and sticky plaque deposits from the surfaces of your teeth above your gums. These regular dental cleanings are crucial in preventing gum disease and the development of dental cavities.

Once your dentist/ hygienist cleans up your tartar using a scaler they may use an electric brush to remove any tartar that is left behind despite using a scaler. Once your hygienist is sure that no tartar is left behind he/she will floss your teeth. This flossing session does not just help in cleaning the teeth but also helps in locating any trouble spots in the gums that are prone to bleeding. 

After completing the flossing your hygienist will ask you to rinse your mouth with fluoride liquid. Followed by rinsing your mouth your dental hygienist will either apply fluoride gel or fluoride varnish. This fluoride treatment helps in preventing dental cavities.

Regular cleanings are typically done in conjunction with regular checkups to provide your dentist with an opportunity to examine your teeth, check for oral cancer, and take X-rays as required.

What Are The Advantages Of Routine Dental Cleaning?

Here’s a list of the top benefits of regular teeth cleaning:

Cleaner Teeth

One of the top benefits of getting dental cleaning is that you get cleaner teeth. It can be difficult for your home toothbrush to remove tartar from your teeth. Therefore, you must get a professional cleaning done to get your teeth as clean as possible.

Screening And Prevention Of Gum Disease 

By undergoing routine dental clean up you can prevent developing gum diseases as the clean-ups help in removing tartar buildup. Also during the dental clean up your hygienist can spot early signs of gums inflammation or any infection which otherwise would be difficult to notice.

Therefore, by undergoing routine dental clean-up you reduce your chances of developing periodontal disease. Moreover, if you do have a periodontal ailment, you can get it treated with scaling or root planing before it progresses to the most severe stages. By getting treatment you can avoid any tooth loss and serious pain that might develop as a complication of periodontal ailment.

Stain Removal

Routine dental cleaning not only helps you with screening gum ailments but it also helps in removing stains. Yes, dental clean-up can help you get a brighter smile by removing any dental stains. However, the clean-up does not whiten your teeth.

Plaque and Tartar Removal

We all know brushing helps in removing plaque. But there are dental spaces that you miss during brushing. These missed plaques generally harden and form calculus. These calculi are hard and generally, it does not come off with regular brushing. However, a trained professional can scrape off this tartar from each tooth. A hygienist eliminates areas on your teeth where bacteria can adhere and lead to tooth and gum issues by removing tartar and plaque.

Overall Health Improvement

Did you know that oral health affects the overall health? Yes! Good oral hygiene is essential for overall health. Studies suggest that poor oral health can sometimes be a cause of the development of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. 

Therefore you must get treatment for any dental infections quickly as it is essential in preventing systemic infections.

When did you have your last dental cleaning?

Are you due for a dental cleaning? If yes then make an appointment for your routine dental cleaning as soon as possible. By ensuring you undergo routine dental clean-ups you do not just get a brighter smile with clean teeth you also ensure your overall health. Thus, making it crucial to ensure your dental health. There are many benefits to regular teeth cleanings, both for your oral health and your overall health. Teeth cleanings remove plaque and tartar from your teeth, which can cause tooth decay and gum disease. They also help to prevent bad breath. 

If you are looking for a general dentist in your area but fail to find someone do not worry. Contact us and we will help you find a general dentist in your area who offers the best services at an affordable price.

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